Thursday 22 January 2015

Healthy Veggie Yam Dish

Diversity amplifies the power we as humans carry, with our diverse culture comes diverse way of life and diverse techniques of doing things.
One way in which diversity can be felt around the world is in the area of food.
Just when you think you have tried out every recipes you can think of, new ones start to emerge and you will be left amazed by the new recipes you come across. Sometimes one wonder, how do people come up with such ideas for a great recipe? The answer to that question, is diversity.
Yam recipes are diverse, we have the yamarita, fried yam, ojojo and so many more. Yam recipes just seem to have new innovation's as we go.
Pretty Eyez sent us a Healthy Veggie Yam recipe and we are so loving it. Apart from the meal being healthy and tasty, it also looks really good on the eyes and it is something everyone should think of trying out and adding to their food menu.


Palm Oil (which has some cool health benefits)
onions (chopped)
Cray fish
Ukpaka/ Ugba ( oil bean seed)
Basil Leaves/ nchanwu
ugu or any other nutritious veggie


Peel,cut,wash and boil the yam (avoid water yam). Add a little salt.

Once the yam Is tender drain and set aside.

Place a dried pot on the fire,add palm oil, heat for a min,add chopped onions,blended fresh pepper and crayfish, ukpaka/ ugba (oil bean seed)and basil leaves/ nchanwu. Add spice cubes and little salt.

Cook for two mins, pour the sauce into the pot containing the yam, add already washed and chopped ugu or any other nutritious veggie.

Using a flat wooden spoon mix all together sprinkle a little water, cook for another 2min and...baam food is ready! 

Food Recipe Submited by Pretty Eyez
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