Sunday 23 November 2014

Couscous, Grilled chicken and Salad

Couscous is a type of pasta made from semolina flour. At first  glance, you'll probably think it's rice because of it look, however, when you taste couscous, the flavour and texture gives people a unique impression about the meal. People don't really know what to do with their couscous to spice it up.
 We all know it's a healthy food and should indeed be added to our food menu every week. However, there are various ways in which you can make your couscous the most amazing dish for yourself, your family and friends. Mrs Jking sent in this amazing recipe to help you know how you can spice up your couscous.


1 pack couscous
6 sausage
3 large carrot
1 1/2 large green pepper
a quarter cabbage
6 stock cube
salt to taste
pepper( your choice)


  • Put your couscous in a bowl, rub in oil and salt to taste, pour a boiling water over the couscous and cover.(when its done you will know)

    • In a non stick put your oil, all the ingredients and fry, add the spices of your choice, stock cubes and salt with a little water to simmer. Add the couscous and stir a little and cover for 5 minutes and its good to go.
     Ingredients for the chicken

    Chicken thighs
    Medium size Onion
    Fresh Ginger or dry
    Dry Pepper
    Handful fresh Parsley or dried one
    2 tablespoon Honey
    Chicken seasoning cubes
    Salt to taste
    Cooking spoon Vegetable Oil

    • Rinse the chicken and dry with kitchen tissue and place in a zip lock bag

    • Blend the parsley, onion, dry pepper, oil, and ginger, garlic  into a smooth paste.

    • Crush in the seasoning cubes , add salt and marinate ingredients into the chicken and rub the chicken to ensure that all the ingredients get into all parts of the chicken.

    • Add the honey into the chicken, rub in well and allow to marinade for about 30 - 45 minutes.

    • Put in the oven or on the grill for 45 minutes or until cooked and brown. You have to turn it a couple of times to achieve even cooking and browning on all sides.

    Ingredients For the Salad


    Directions: Shred your lettuce, onions and cucumber, mix it up and serve with salad cream of your choice.

    Food Picture and Recipe Submitted by Mrs Jking.

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