Wednesday 3 December 2014

Pasta and Avocado Salad

One cool thing about food is that you can always come up with something new and different at any time, you just need to be a little bit more creative and open. When you mix up ingredients together, you always come up with a new look and taste. NFC just loves to come up with new and innovative recipes, So we put the request out there to our over twenty thousand subscribers on our blackberry channel and we really got a favourable response. One of this is the Pasta and Avocado Salad submitted by our amazing subscriber Bilikisu Ibrahim.   
Pasta is one food that is in almost every ones food menu, we practically grew up eating pasta, however, one can easily become tired of this food (which has cool health benefits) because of the common ways of cooking it. Avocado is also a great food that should be part of our food menu, this is because of its nutritional values.
So think about it, pasta plus avocado, great food, cool health benefits, you got to try it out.



1 cup Wholewheat pasta, cooked and cooled
1 Avocado pear
1/2 can Sweet corn, strained and rinsed thoroughly
1/2 cup Green beans, cooked and cooled
1/2 can Red kidney beans, strained and rinsed thoroughly
1/4 cup Parsley, chopped
1/2 tablespoon Mayo
1/2 tablespoon Ketchup


  • In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together adding a pinch of salt, except the avocado

  • Slice the avocado and place neatly on a plate.

  •  Place the pasta mix by the side.

Serves 2

Food Recipe/ Picture Submitted By Bilkisu Ibrahim

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