Wednesday 18 March 2015

Thursday Food Menu with Excercise for weight Loss (NFC weight loss programme)

One of the key things to loosing weight is to most times change your diet entirely, however, the reason why we still give you most of the meal that we believe you are used to is that we want to gradually help you change your diet in such a way that is not too imposing and also in a way that your taste bud will get easily accustomed  to the new diet we are trying to attain.
As always, we will start this programme with the basics:
  • Do not starve yourself.

  • Drink water 30 minutes before any meal.
  • When eating, eat slowly, this way, you eat less because your brain quickly picks up the signal of you being full.
  • Stay away from soda and other processed drinks, if you have a craving for one, take a glass of water instead.
  • Snack on fruits with low Glycemic index instead of road side snacks that are not beneficial for your weight loss.
  • Exercise, does not have to be the rigorous gym sort of exercise or jugging, start with walking maybe 30 minutes, use stairs instead of elevators, go to the park with your kids, just anything that will require you using your physical body,

  • Photo Credit:vegan mischief
    Breakfast: Have a Vegan sandwich this morning, what we mean by Vegan sandwich is the wheat bread, eaten with mixed vegetables. Ingredients includes 4 slice of wheat bread, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber and carrots. Directions, you will simply dice your vegetable into tiny bits, put a salad dressing of your choice (note: salad dressing for vegetarians or vegans) to mix them together, and then take two slice of bread, and spread your vegetables inside.

    Exercise for Morning and Night: Take a walk or jug for an hour, skip 100 times, 50 squats and 40 jumping jacks, you can go two rounds for this. Make sure you find every opportunity to use your physical body, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, dancing, taking your kids out to the park etc

    Lunch: Have a tasty jollof spaghetti for lunch today, the vegetables should be added after you have finished cooking the spaghetti

    Dinner: Having a lot of vegetables and fruits in your diet is just one of the key to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss, so in everything that you eat, if you are able to make sure vegetables are involved (mostly raw or not cooked for more than 5 minutes) then you are on the right tract. Remember that your dinner should always be light, so for today, you can have the mixed vegetable soup submitted by Bilkisu, Sausage should be taken out of the ingredients though.
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