Sunday 15 March 2015

Monday Food Menu with Excercise for weight Loss (NFC weight loss programme)

Loosing that extra weight is not an easy task a all, but with patient and dedication, you will soon start seeing results of your hard work ( that is the result of your weight loss diet and exercise).
This week is going to be a bit different from last week, last week was just the beginning of the programme but as we progress, it may seem harder than the previous, but we will not ask you to do what you cannot achieve.
As always we will begin with important things you must take seriously:

  • Do not starve yourself.
  • Drink water 30 minutes before any meal.
  • When eating, eat slowly, this way, you eat less because your brain quickly picks up the signal of you being full.
  • Stay away from soda and other processed drinks, if you have a craving for one, take a glass of water instead.
  • Snack on fruits with low Glycemic index instead of road side snacks that are not beneficial for your weight loss.
  • Exercise, does not have to be the rigorous gym sort of exercise or jugging, start with walking maybe 30 minutes, use stairs instead of elevators, go to the park with your kids, just anything that will require you using your physical body.
Breakfast: Have yourself a oatmeal this morning, one of the great reason why we love oatmeal for breakfast is that, apart from being an healthy food, the oatmeal, when eaten in the morning keeps you full for longer hours than other meal, thus, this could make you abstain from unhealthy snacks.

Exercise for Morning and Night: Take a walk or jug for an hour, skip 80 times, 30 squats and 20 jumping jacks, you can go two rounds for this. Make sure you find every opportunity to use your physical body, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, dancing, taking your kids out to the park etc

Lunch: Take vegetable couscous this afternoon, you can make it just as Chef Etim did, healthy and good for your weight. If you want, you can have it chicken( just remember to always remove the skin). Under no circumstance should you take this meal with soda or any processed drink, go for water or, if you can, make your own fruit juice.

Dinner: remember to always eat light for your dinner, you can have a vegetable salad this evening, mix together carrot, onions, cucumber, cabbage and tomatoes, add two tables spoon olive oil and crush or mash a pear to use as cream for the salad, if you cant get pears, you could use any vegetarian salad dressing like wishbone, knorr(French) etc
So that is it for today, see you tomorrow for another great tip for weight loss.

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