Saturday 15 November 2014

Rivers Native Soup ( Uhbomsoudo)

Nigeria has so many native soups, there is at least over 5 (five) soups each from the different tribes of the country. It is also important to note that most of this soups come with various health benefits as they are made with natural ingredients that are packed with a number of nutrients. In the area of soups, Nigerians are indeed lucky. This soup (shared by PKT) is a natives soup from the rivers state in Nigeria.
How to Cook Rivers Native Soup (Uhbomdoudo)

Uziza leaf
Stock fish,
Goat meat,
Ofor -Soup thickner
Big brown crayfish(aka Okporo),
Native crayfish,
Fresh yellow pepper,
Palm oil,


  • Wash the uziza leaf(2x),slice and set aside.
  • Wash the goat meat,kpomo,snail and stockfish, place in a small pot, add seasoning of choice, onions, seasoning, salt, little amount of yellow pepper, stir(so the ingerdients blend in all the meat),do not add water, allow to boil, add little water and steam for 10 mins, then set aside.
  • Place a moderate pot on heat and add water, palm oil, and allow to boil.
  • Add ofor, pepper, grounded native crayfish, preferred seasoning and allow to boil for 2 minutes.
  • Add the meat broth and stir, allow to boil for 2 minutes.
  • Add the Okporo and periwinkle and stir.
  • Add the Uziza leaf, stir two times and bring down pot immediately.
NOTE: check the level of water when adding the Ofor, let it not be too thick or too watery. Thank you!!!

Food Picture/ Recipe Submitted by Priye . K. Tamuno

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