Friday 10 October 2014

Maintaining Diabetes

Today, we are picking the topic Diabetes and it maintenance. Here, we will learn about diabetes, food to eat and food not to eat, exercise etc.

Getting to know Diabetes

Diabetes, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both.
 Diabetes Types
polydipsia(increasingly tasty)
Polyuria(frequent urination)


Diabetes is a silent killer that if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks, kidney failure, stroke etc. However, there are steps you can take to control your blood sugar and minimise your risk of these health complications.
Step 1-learn more about the condition
 Step 2-change your diet
Step 3-if overweight, you got to lose them
Step 4-optimize your exercise
Diabetes And Psychology
Nearly all patients with diabetes do not adhere to the steps to control it., this could be due to psychological factors such as inadequate social support, stress, depression and anxiety.
Social Support: find support from family, friends, focus groups etc. 
Stress-such as conflict with Family, work deadline, driving in traffic can directly  or indirectly affect diabetic care and should be reduced.
Depression and Anxiety-practice relaxation techniques like the diaphragmatic breathing, Doctor Callahan tapping technique. also, in cases of severe depression, you need to see a psychologists.

Diabetes And Food
The food you eat is of great importance in controlling diabetes condition, however, you should also know  the   kind of food you should stay away from, these includes: 
 -Fruit Juice: opting   for fiber-packed whole fruit counterpart will help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
-Fries: like akara, dundun, French fries
 -Anything made with white flour- like pancakes,white bread,pasteries,white rice
-Diary Products
-Red Meat/beef -Packaged Snacks

Food that can be used to control diabetes includes:
-Whole Grain options- like wheat bread, brown rice, oat meal
-Egg white omelette stuffed with vegetables
-Whole fresh fruit options like grapefruit, strawberries, peaches.
-cucumber salad
-wheat with edikang ikong or other Nigerian soups but substitute your  red meat with fish or chicken but d skin should  be removed
Diabetes and Exercise
‎People with diabetes are encouraged to exercise regularly for better blood sugar control and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The reason for this is that muscles which are working use more glucose than those that are resting. Before u start any exercise with regards to your condition, it is important that u talk to your  doctor about it first, but here are available exercise tips:,
If you just want to start excercising, you don't have to start with rigorous or hard ones like running because your body is not familiar with it. However you can start with walking a little distant then you move on to walking long distance, then others follows which includes:

Fast paced walking Light jogging Bike riding Playing doubles tennis or badminton Water aerobics Sitting or lying down for long periods, increases your risk of weight gain and obesity, which in turn, may also up your risk of diabetes.
Article Submitted By Adebola
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