Wednesday 12 November 2014

Rice And Ofada Sauce

Ofada Rice and stew is a Nigerian meal, traditionally made by the people of the Western parts of Nigeria (Yoruba's). It's a special delicacy served in restaurants and it's a great addition for your party menu. One thing people like about the ofada sauce is it texture, spice and assorted meat.
The Ofada rice could be a bit hard to cook and some people do not like the smell so they substitute the Ofada rice with plain white rice. So you see people taking white rice with Ofada sauce mostly. The Ofada sauce is a special traditional sauce because it's not usually a everyday sauce made at home so people go crazy to have a taste when they come across it.

Boiled Rice
Beef or goatmeat
4 (four) Green Peppers
4 (four) tatase
10 (ten) Fresh pepper
I (one) large onion bulb
Locust bean (Iru)
Ground Crayfish
Stock Cube
Palm Oil


  • Season the beef with onion, pepper, salt and stock cube

  • Strain the meat from the stock

  • Remove the seeds from the green pepper, tatase

  • Blend all green pepper, tatase, fresh pepper and onion

  • Cook the blended pepper till it's dry

  • Bleach palm oil in a new pot

  • Add the dried pepper to the bleached oil and stirfry till it's dry

  • Add the ground crayfish and locust bean and continue frying

  • Season with the last stock cube

  • Add the cooked meat and allow to simmer for 5-10 mins on low heat

  • Serve with rice
Food Picture/Recipe Submitted By Enoquin

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  1. I've been looking for this recipe, thanks

  2. I lov it (ofada rice) it's so yummy! Gracias!
