Wednesday 4 March 2015

Tomato Plantain Sauce

The use of plantain has indeed evolved, plantain use no longer ends with just frying or roasting.
Today, plantain is being inclusively used in many recipes, infact, it is the key ingredient in many recipes and we just love them all. Recipes like gizdodo, dodo and chicken pepper sauce and many other plantain recipes.
Our amazing subscriber, Chizo sent us this tomato plantain sauce to further assist us inculcate the use of plantain in our menu.

Two medium size very ripe plantains
Chopped Fresh tomatoes or tomato paste
Chopped Fresh pepper
Crushed Garlic
Chopped Onions
Vegetable oil
Black fish
Nchawu leaves
Stock cubes and salt to taste


Cut plantain into small bits

Put in a pot. Add sliced onions, one stock cube, pour in about half a litre of water and bring to boil for about 10 minutes until plantain is soft and has absorbed the stock cube taste.

Drain out water to remove the remaining peel from the plantain
Add little oil to an empty pot, add chopped onion, garlic, pepper and tomatoes and allow to fry until the oil rises to the top. In the case of tomato paste, be sure to add it after onions and fry properly until the sour taste goes.
Add cooked plantain, add washed and pieced black fish, pour in water and cover pot to simmer‎ for 10 minute.

Add picked and sliced nchawu leaves, add salt to taste.

Leave for two minutes and take down from fire.

Serve with white rice or eat alone.
Note: This plantain tomato sauce should be thicker than tomato stew but lighter and spicier than plantain porridge.

Food Recipe Submitted by Chizo

Here is an update on a tested Recipe by Rilwan, who recently submitted his Plantain sauce, thank you Rilwan for trying this out and thank you Chizo for a great recipe.

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