Friday 9 January 2015

Moringa salad (zogale in hausa)

Moringa, Avocado, Tomatoes and green vegetables, from the look of it, you will surely know that this food is super healthy for people of all ages. Moringa, has by some as that ingredient that can possibly solve all health issues, it has been prescribed by dieticians, nutritionist or doctors as an important menu for the family.
Moringa can be used in numbers of dishes, and here is one of them submitted by our subscriber, Bilkisu (another dish by her here) to show you how you can further accommodate and use the Moringa for your food and take advantage of it health benefits.

1 cup moringa leaves, steamed 

1/2 cup suya spice (Kuli-kuli in hausa- it is made from ground roasted groundnut which is formed into a paste and the excess oil expressed. It is the spiced up and molded to desired shape. Usually done locally and popularly known as suya or kilishi spice)

2 large tomatoes, diced 
1 avocado pear, cut

Place freshly steamed moringa leaves in a wide bowl and mix in the suya spice, salt to taste and choice seasoning. 

Garnish with tomatoes and avocado. 
Serves 2

Food Recipe submitted By Bilkisu Ibrahim

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